85% of Digital Video Viewers Stop Watching for Two Reasons

85% of Digital Video Viewers Stop Watching for Two Reasons

Harmelin Digital Contributor: David Farnoush

The report on Q1 2017, released by Mux, a video performance and analytics firm, found that US Digital Video Viewers (DVVs) stopped watching video either because the load time took too long (85.1%), or due to stalling and buffering (85.0%). An earlier study released by Verizon showed that consumers were likely to abandon video if experiencing delivery or quality issues on a mobile device (32%) or a tablet (30%).

What this means for marketers:  With a significant portion of video abandonment likely due to factors outside of any one client’s, brand or ad/media agencies’ control, there is one key point this report highlights: user experience is still the most important factor that should be considered. Consumers are unlikely (and unwilling) to stick around if encountering and experiencing issues with content delivery. This means wasted dollars and missed eyes.