Bing Ads Action Extensions: What You Need to Know

Bing Ads Action Extensions: What You Need to Know

At the beginning of April, Bing launched Action Extensions, which allow advertisers to include a call-to-action button with an ad to entice customers to immediately click and drive them to a client’s website. Marketers who participated in the beta have seen an average click-through-rate (CTR) increase of 20% when they included Action Extensions in their ads.

What this means for marketers: Action Extensions, which are only offered through Bing, have taken a page from social media and display ads that feature prominent CTAs (calls-to-action). Marketers can leverage up to 70 pre-defined Action Extensions in all Bing Ads supported languages. Action Extensions are also available in all Bing Ads markets on both mobile and PC devices. On mobile devices, the extension is displayed as text beneath the ad and on PC, the extension appears as a button to the right of the main ad copy. Similar to site links, clicks on Action Extensions will be charged the same cost-per-click as clicks on the ad headline. It will be interesting to see how these extensions impact back end metrics (such as conversion rates) in addition to front end metrics (such as CTR). Harmelin will continue to monitor Bing Action Extensions so we can recommend new opportunities for clients.